Contrary to Financial Statements or Payrolls prepared by most CPA or bookkeeping services, our services are customized for the Restaurant Industry, using a terminology familiar to every restaurant owner.
We know the restaurant business because we exclusively serve the restaurant industry, with over 300 restaurants and clubs as our clients.
We are dedicated to providing high
quality, cost effective professional financial
services to the owners and managers of restaurant
and club operations throughout the United States.
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Cappellen &
Associates is readily available to extend professional
services anywhere in the United States.
We are the best "single source
solution" for all financial services needs of a single unit or multi-unit
restaurant chain. By using our professionals,
our resources and expertise, we are able to
provide accurate, timely and meaningful financial
information, allowing restaurant management
and operators to focus on day-to-day performance
and drive their core business.
With our leading edge technology and highly
trained staff, we are
committed to the excellence that separates Cappellen
& Associates from other firms.
We invite you to contact
us to discuss how we can provide you with
cost effective solutions to address your needs.